mDNS utilities

The purpose of the built-in mDNS/DNS-SD utilities are solely for easy network setup/testing/debugging, therefor they are generally more verbose and have much slower (but more complete) defaults than e.g. avahi does.

Discover services

qft mdns discover --service-label googlecast --service-protocol tcp

Example Output

INFO Browsing for _googlecast._tcp.local.
INFO Resolved a new service: SERVICE_NAME._googlecast._tcp.local.
INFO Discovered 1 service!
Hostname:  SERVICE_NAME.local.
Type Name: _googlecast._tcp.local.
Full Name: SERVICE_NAME._googlecast._tcp.local.
IP(s): fe80::d912:463a:8c88:deca

Resolve mDNS hostname

Resolves hostname IP(s), all of the following forms are valid.

qft mdns resolve foo
qft mdns resolve foo.local
qft mdns resolve foo.local.

Example output

INFO Resolving address for foo.local.
Hostname:  foo.local.
IP(s): fe80::d912:463a:8c88:deca

Register mDNS service (for testing or transferring by addressing the registered hostname)

qft mdns register --hostname foo-name --service-label bar-label --service-protocol tcp --keep-alive-ms 123456
INFO Registering:
    Hostname:  foo-name.local.
    Type:      _bar-label._tcp.local.
    Full Name: test_inst._bar-label._tcp.local.

INFO Keeping alive for: 123.456s

You can the find it using the qft mdns subcommands or e.g. with avahi:

avahi-resolve --name foo-name.local
# foo-name.local

But that only outputs the first received address. Using qft mdns resolve will output all the associated IPs. If you need speed use the --short-circuit flag to return as soon as the first IP associated with the hostname is resolved e.g.

qft mdns resolve foo-name[.local.] --short-circuit